Manas Tungare

.NET (C#) Wrapper for Google Desktop

Google Desktop has been discontinued. This product is no longer available.

This is an API wrapper to let .Net developers use the Google Desktop Indexing API (currently COM-based.) It internally handles the Interop business, and exposes a clean API to your application. It uses inheritance to model Google's Event Schemas (e.g. since MediaFiles and WebPages are schemas inherited from Google.Desktop.File, they also share code with the superclass.)

It’s LGPL!

This code is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Which means that source code is available to you, that you can use it in commercial for-profit applications without cost or obligation to share your source code, and no royalties are due to me. The only thing I ask in return is this: if you enhance the library itself (not any applications that use it, but the library code itself) then you must contribute the enhancements back to the community.

Version History

v0.2 released.
Optional properties needed an extra method call to be added correctly; now it is done by a single property set.
v0.1 released.
Initial Create; No documentation available; released to assess developer response.